Wow I have just finished my first semester of college! Its crazy!!! I can't believe how fast time fly! I made so many great Friends along the way! I love school so much! It's hard work but so worth it! Classes are different and so is the work. You really have to schedule your time because its so easy to get distracted! There are always fun things to do and fun Friends to be around. But it is all so worth it! I wouldn't change it for the world!
As much as i love my family I am glad I went away to college. Its a whole different experience! I think I have learned better how to care for myself and others. I have a greater respect for my parents and all they have done for me. Its a real eye opener. Don't get me wrong I Love coming home and seeing my family, I am so happy I have a month break that I get to spend with them buts its nice to be able to go to MY home. Gilbert will always be home, its where I was raised but its neat to have a place to call mine. I would never trade the experience for anything!
I have the greatest roommates anyone could ever ask for. Everyone told me not to room with my best friends because it would ruin our relationships, well I'm here to tell you that a lie! We are still great friends and will always be great friends! My roommate Kylee Bloomfield who has only been one of my best friends for the past six years just got engaged this past week to her best friends Tim Miller and they are so cute and happy together and I wish them the very best! Then Katie Christensen who has been one of my best Friends for the past five years is just cuter then ever! She is working so hard and becoming a better photographer every day! Cynthia Judd was definitely the odd ball out, Kylee, Katie, and I all knew each other before and she just got thrown in with us. She fits right in! She is just so sweet and bubbly and adorable all the time. We talk about anything and everything all the time and are great friends now.
Not only do I have the best roommates ever but I have made some of the best friends I could ever ask for! Kylyne Bingham, She is just the sweetest girl ever! Me and her seem to be so much alike and we get along way better than two peas in a pod! Princess Taylor, BLACK NINJA!!!!!! She is so cute and wonderful! Kylie Fink is so funny!!! and LOUD but I love her anyways!!!! Kassidi Figueroa is fantastic, you can always talk to her and she just understands!!!! Tessa Ralph, we are already friends from high school but have just gotten so much closer snince we have gotten up here. Jordan Ames is the sweetest guy anyone will ever meet! He is always making sure everyone is OK and makes sure you are always having a good time! JJ LeMoine is the funnest kid EVER!!!!! HE makes me laugh so hard and its just so easy to have a good time with him! Tim Miller.... what can I say... lol your great and I know you and Kylee are perfect for each other and I wish you the very best! There are so many great friends I could still talk about but then this would be forever long!
I am so blessed with what I have been given and I could never ask for anything more. Thank you to my wonderful family and friends you guys are amazing!!! And perfect in every way please don't ever change. Thank you for putting up with me and my craziness. I love you all. :D
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
College Life
So I am really bad at updating this thing but I'm trying. So here it goes..... I am here at Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher and loving every minit of it. My roommates are Kylee Bloomfield (its a compound word) sorry inside joke, Katie Christensen, and Cynthia Judd. I pretty much love them to death. We all get along great (for the most part ;D) I am studing Elementry Education and am planning on teaching first grade in four years. I can't wait! But before that I cant wait till My Big BROTHER COMES HOME IN MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so flippin excited. I am making a ton of great new friends. So right now i am procrastinating homework so I guess I should go. Good Night.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
You know sometimes things happen in your life and they just suck! It's happened to me and I know its happened to many more. I know what it feels like to have someone tell you your wrong. I know what it feels like to be frustrated. BUT we all must remember that what has happened to us, what we've thought, what we've felt has made us who we are. We may not have wanted something but gotten it anyways. We may have been mad at someone or something, but we cant let it control our life. We need to let things just roll of our back, I need to just let things roll of my back. Life was never meant to be easy, we all know that. We just can't ever forget that IT WILL BE WORTH IT! I remind myself that everyday. It is worth it!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Almost Done!
So I graduate this month! I cant believe it. I am so ready to be done. I always thought senioritis was just an excuse but no ITS REAL and believe me I have it, and I have it bad!!! Well I graduate on the 27 and then on the 4th of June I am going on my senior trip. I hope a lot of people come. I have rented 2 cabins in Kanab Utah for a week it is going to be so much fun. Well after I get home from that it is a summer full of work. I now tutor, make watches, teach swim lessons, sell gold canyon candles, and a lot more. So if anyone needs something please let me know. I am working so hard so I can pay for college. I get my apartment for $2,500 for the year and that includes utilities and I think by the end of the summer I will be very close to that but slightly short. BUT I do need to eatr, I mean come on I'm a Nicholls for heaven sakes! ;D So lets just say I'm nowhere near where I need to be. I am hoping to get a job when I get up their but I heard it is extremely hard to get jobs in the Thatcher area.
Well I was talking to dad the other night about me graduating and he just said "I'm not ready for this." I guess I didn't really think about it. I knew my mom wasn't but it didn't really accrue to me that dad wasn't. I mean yes Alex is gone his mission but when he graduated he lived here for a year whail he worked. I am here for the summer and then I'm gone. I'll be moving out. And if those who like to tease me (I still think I'm going on a mission) if I get married wail I am at school I wont be moving back home. I am growing up. Its weird. I mean I have friends who are married. I don't know if I will be one of those girls who are going to get married right away, and its not that I'm against marriage its just I have plans. I am going to go to school and get a degree in teaching, go on my mission, come back start teaching, and then I can get married and have a family. I don't know it just doesn't feel like that's whats in store for me right away. I guess it alldepends on what the Lord wants right.
Well I was talking to dad the other night about me graduating and he just said "I'm not ready for this." I guess I didn't really think about it. I knew my mom wasn't but it didn't really accrue to me that dad wasn't. I mean yes Alex is gone his mission but when he graduated he lived here for a year whail he worked. I am here for the summer and then I'm gone. I'll be moving out. And if those who like to tease me (I still think I'm going on a mission) if I get married wail I am at school I wont be moving back home. I am growing up. Its weird. I mean I have friends who are married. I don't know if I will be one of those girls who are going to get married right away, and its not that I'm against marriage its just I have plans. I am going to go to school and get a degree in teaching, go on my mission, come back start teaching, and then I can get married and have a family. I don't know it just doesn't feel like that's whats in store for me right away. I guess it alldepends on what the Lord wants right.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
OK so I told myself I would get better at this but ya no hasn't happened yet. OK so what is going on in my life. Last month I planed a wedding!!!! I know crazy right but that's what I did. A lady in my ward was getting married and she needed help with flowers so I said I would, well one thing lead to another and I ended up being a wedding planner. Oh happy days! OK it really was a lot of fun.

OK so this month was Prom. I went with Tyler Chatwin and had so much fun. The theme was masquerade and it was at the Savill Clubhouse. It was again so much fun. Thank you Tyler.

OK so this month was Prom. I went with Tyler Chatwin and had so much fun. The theme was masquerade and it was at the Savill Clubhouse. It was again so much fun. Thank you Tyler.

Monday, December 21, 2009
I cant believe christmas is already here. Can you? Well its Christmas in 4 days and I am so flipen excited to hear from Alex. Well I dont know what all to say not much has happened so I guess, OH I KNOW!!! I went to winterformal! It was so much fun, I went with Colby Carpenter and had a flipen blast. I think I made a complete fool of myself on the dance floor but hey what the heck it was fun. Well I guess that is it for now. BYE!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Just another day!
So its been a wail since I have written so I thought maybe I should give a brief update. Well as of today we have just over 500 days left till ALEX COMES HOME!!!! Well lets see my life, I am still working at the elementary school everyday but I don't have to rush off to swim right after it any more which is nice. Well as of today I just got my Gold Canyon Candle set in the mail to start selling them, This is how I am planning on getting money for college. I really pray that I can do this. I have made a deal with my parents that if I raise $2,000 for living coast at EAC than they would pay for me to actually attend the school. I just spent the last weekend up there with Kylee and Ami to visit Tessa and it was amazing. I loved it so much. It is so beautiful and I just know that that is where I need to go. I truly truly hope that everything works out.
So my trip! so Friday after school Kylee, Ami, and I got in the car and took a 3 hour road trip up to EAC to visit our friend Tessa, it was amazing. Now the trip only usually takes 2 and a half to get up there but we were stuck behind a truck that was going so freakin slow I wanted to scream! But we eventually got up there around 6:30pm. From there we all piled into Tessa's car and went to Taco Bell for dinner. YUMMMM!!!!!!! SO after then we went to visit Tessa's really good friend (for now ;D) Jon at work. He was so tired it was really funny. I think he thinks we are absolutely crazy! Well after we hung out and talked to him we went shopping!!!!! OK just for food for the weekend. So after that We all went back to the apartment and Jon came over and we just hung out, after a wail he went home and we went to bed. SLEEP IS AMAZING!!!!!!! So we woke up around 8 and made pancakes and bacon and Jon came over again and ate with us and then Tessa had to go to practice for her concert that was that night. Jon walked her over and then really impressed us by coming back and talking to us and hanging out for a while. Eventually Tessa came back and then Jon had a surprise for us. He took us to frye mesa. OMG it was so much fun. The ride up was so scary he was nuts!!!!!!!!!!!! But when we got up there it was amazing, it was a lake and a damn. It was so pretty, we went down on the other side of the damn, it was gorgeous. So scary walking down because the steps were so freakin steep! After we came back up we watched Jon shot a pumpkin with his shot gun, it was awesome! After that we walked around the lake and back into this canyon like thing it was so pretty back in there. So after hanging out back there for a wail we went home and made dinner. More food Yummm! Well after that we went to Tessa's concert, AMAZING!!!!! and after that Jon had something else planned. So after that we went to Red Knoll, it was so pretty! We started a bonfire and then realized that it was the football teams and decided we better get out of there before they showed up and realized we ruined there bonfire. so we went around the plateau and decided we would hick up it. It was so pretty, I have never seen so many stars in my life. Welaied up at the top looking up at the stars for like 20 min I loved it. Well on the way back down we decided to go a different way. There was this one point where we crawled through this tiny hole in tho this cave. When we turned of our flashlights and look up you could see a hole shaped like a heart that looked out to the night sky. It really was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. So from that beautiful moment we started rock climbing up out of this cave to go out through a hole in the side of the cave wall, well after Tessa and I got up Kylee started fallowing after us but after she was about 12 feet up IDK what happened but she fell, I KNOW KYLEE FELL. She fell 6 feet and hit into Jon's shoulder and then feel over his shoulder the other 6 feet. Luckily all that happened was a bruise and she got the wind knocked out of her. After Jon and Ami made sure Ky was okay he came up and took me and Tessa down the mountain and told us how to get back to the car and went back to get them out. Tessa and I made it back just fine and the only other problem the other three had was Ami decided she wanted to be a ninja and do a summer salt down the mountain and scrape up her knee they made it down just fine. Well after that was all over we all went home, Jon dropped us off and made sure everyone was okay and then left. That was about one in the morning and we went to bed about two thirty because we stayed up talking. Well we went home the next day after church. It was one of the best trips of my life and I can't wait until we go back and visit Tessa again, well now that its ten at night and I have to get up at 5:30 I'm thinking I should go to bed. Well goodnight to anyone who is reading this and remember to always make everyday the best day of your life!
So my trip! so Friday after school Kylee, Ami, and I got in the car and took a 3 hour road trip up to EAC to visit our friend Tessa, it was amazing. Now the trip only usually takes 2 and a half to get up there but we were stuck behind a truck that was going so freakin slow I wanted to scream! But we eventually got up there around 6:30pm. From there we all piled into Tessa's car and went to Taco Bell for dinner. YUMMMM!!!!!!! SO after then we went to visit Tessa's really good friend (for now ;D) Jon at work. He was so tired it was really funny. I think he thinks we are absolutely crazy! Well after we hung out and talked to him we went shopping!!!!! OK just for food for the weekend. So after that We all went back to the apartment and Jon came over and we just hung out, after a wail he went home and we went to bed. SLEEP IS AMAZING!!!!!!! So we woke up around 8 and made pancakes and bacon and Jon came over again and ate with us and then Tessa had to go to practice for her concert that was that night. Jon walked her over and then really impressed us by coming back and talking to us and hanging out for a while. Eventually Tessa came back and then Jon had a surprise for us. He took us to frye mesa. OMG it was so much fun. The ride up was so scary he was nuts!!!!!!!!!!!! But when we got up there it was amazing, it was a lake and a damn. It was so pretty, we went down on the other side of the damn, it was gorgeous. So scary walking down because the steps were so freakin steep! After we came back up we watched Jon shot a pumpkin with his shot gun, it was awesome! After that we walked around the lake and back into this canyon like thing it was so pretty back in there. So after hanging out back there for a wail we went home and made dinner. More food Yummm! Well after that we went to Tessa's concert, AMAZING!!!!! and after that Jon had something else planned. So after that we went to Red Knoll, it was so pretty! We started a bonfire and then realized that it was the football teams and decided we better get out of there before they showed up and realized we ruined there bonfire. so we went around the plateau and decided we would hick up it. It was so pretty, I have never seen so many stars in my life. Welaied up at the top looking up at the stars for like 20 min I loved it. Well on the way back down we decided to go a different way. There was this one point where we crawled through this tiny hole in tho this cave. When we turned of our flashlights and look up you could see a hole shaped like a heart that looked out to the night sky. It really was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. So from that beautiful moment we started rock climbing up out of this cave to go out through a hole in the side of the cave wall, well after Tessa and I got up Kylee started fallowing after us but after she was about 12 feet up IDK what happened but she fell, I KNOW KYLEE FELL. She fell 6 feet and hit into Jon's shoulder and then feel over his shoulder the other 6 feet. Luckily all that happened was a bruise and she got the wind knocked out of her. After Jon and Ami made sure Ky was okay he came up and took me and Tessa down the mountain and told us how to get back to the car and went back to get them out. Tessa and I made it back just fine and the only other problem the other three had was Ami decided she wanted to be a ninja and do a summer salt down the mountain and scrape up her knee they made it down just fine. Well after that was all over we all went home, Jon dropped us off and made sure everyone was okay and then left. That was about one in the morning and we went to bed about two thirty because we stayed up talking. Well we went home the next day after church. It was one of the best trips of my life and I can't wait until we go back and visit Tessa again, well now that its ten at night and I have to get up at 5:30 I'm thinking I should go to bed. Well goodnight to anyone who is reading this and remember to always make everyday the best day of your life!
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